Fri. Apr 14th, 2023

April 2023 Calendar For Kids: Fun-Filled Activities To Keep Your Children Engaged


As a parent, it’s always a challenge to keep our children engaged and entertained during their free time. With the April 2023 calendar for kids, you can plan fun-filled activities that your children will enjoy. This article will provide you with a list of events and festivals that you can include in your schedule.

Personal Experience

Last year, I struggled to keep my kids busy during the April holidays. They were bored and restless, and I had no idea what to do. That’s when I stumbled upon the April 2022 calendar for kids, and it was a game-changer. We planned different activities every day, and my children had a blast. I decided to create this article to help other parents who may be facing the same challenge.

World Events and Festivals

April is a month filled with celebrations and events around the world. One of the most significant events is Easter, which falls on April 9th in 2023. You can plan an Easter egg hunt, make Easter crafts, or bake Easter-themed treats with your children. Another significant event is Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd. You can organize a nature walk, plant trees or start a vegetable garden with your children.

List of Events and Festivals

Here’s a list of other events and festivals that you can include in your April 2023 calendar for kids:

  • April Fool’s Day – April 1st
  • National Pet Day – April 11th
  • National Siblings Day – April 10th
  • International Dance Day – April 29th
  • National Arbor Day – April 28th

Fun-Filled Activities

Apart from the events and festivals, you can plan other activities to keep your children entertained. You can organize a movie night, create a scavenger hunt, or plan a game night. You can also plan a day trip to a nearby zoo, museum, or amusement park.

Question & Answer

Q: How can I involve my children in Earth Day celebrations?
A: You can organize a nature walk, plant trees, or start a vegetable garden with your children. Q: What are some fun-filled activities that I can plan?
A: You can organize a movie night, create a scavenger hunt, or plan a game night. You can also plan a day trip to a nearby zoo, museum, or amusement park.


The April 2023 calendar for kids is a great way to plan fun-filled activities for your children. With the list of events and festivals provided in this article, you can create a schedule that your children will enjoy. Remember to involve your children in the planning process, and you’re sure to have a great time.

Free April 2023 Calendar, coloring on each day (horizontal) Free
Free April 2023 Calendar, coloring on each day (horizontal) Free from

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